Sinara Transport Machines Supplied Four TEM14 Shunting Diesel Locomotives to the Kazakhstan’s SilkwayTransit

26 Jul 2021
Sinara Transport Machines Supplied Four TEM14 Shunting Diesel Locomotives to the Kazakhstan’s SilkwayTransit
Sinara Transport Machines Supplied Four TEM14 Shunting Diesel Locomotives to the Kazakhstan’s SilkwayTransit

Sinara Transport Machines (STM) Holding, represented by Trading House STM, and SilkwayTransit, which is the largest cargo operator in Kazakhstan, signed an agreement for the supply of four TEM14 shunting diesel locomotives. The locomotives were handed over to the customer in June 2021.

The locomotives will be used for shunting operations at the Dostyk-Alashankou border point, which is the busiest border crossing along the East-West railway container transit corridor and through which the bulk of transit cargo is transported under the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative.

According to Anton Zubikhin, General Director of Trading House STM, the development of export potential is one of the Holding’s main strategic goals. “Nowadays, STM products are successfully operating in more than 30 countries, and our plans include a significant increase of this indicator. Kazakhstan is the owner of one of the longest railways among all the CIS countries, therefore, of course, this market is of great interest to us, and we are confident in increasing the supply of our equipment to various Kazakhstan’s companies in the future.”

In 2020, STM delivered 8 shunting locomotives to Kazakhstan’s metallurgical enterprises. Altogether, since 2007, STM has supplied 46 diesel locomotives of the TEM7A, TEM9, TEM14, TGM4B, TGM6D series, over 80 units of track maintenance vehicles and 246 hopper cars to Kazakhstan.

The OBOR initiative was launched in 2013. To date, within the framework of this initiative, the People's Republic of China has concluded agreements for the provision of transit services with 140 countries and 31 international organizations.
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