Sinara-Transport Machines started supplying semi knocked down kits to India within ‘Make in India’ localization program

14 Jan 2021
Sinara-Transport Machines started supplying semi knocked down kits to India within ‘Make in India’ localization program

On January 12, the first batch of semi knocked down kits for production of track renewal trains of WST (WorkSite Tamper) type arrived at the port of Chennai (India, the south east state of Tamil Nadu). The export project of Sinara-Transport Machines Holding is implemented within ‘Make in India’ government program aimed at developing joint ventures with foreign partners in the Indian territory.

Semi knocked down assembly of WSTs with the 50% localization level will be arranged on a production venue of San Engineering & Locomotives Co. Ltd in Bangalore, a city in the south west India. WSTs - track renewal trains - are used for construction, repair and current maintenance of railway tracks; they are applicable with wooden or reinforced concrete crossties.

The next batch of semi knocked down kits is expected to arrive at the port in early February. After that, machine manufacturing will begin, which will involve STM specialists. By the end of the year, two WSTs will be handed over to Indian Railways for pilot operation. At the moment, the tracks of Indian Railways are being maintained by machinery made by STM - track renewal trains, track cranes, dynamic track stabilizers; their comprehensive maintenance is also arranged there.

According to Anton Zubikhin, Director General at STM Trading House, the project in India will make it possible to expand the range of company’s competence in foreign markets significantly, from maintenance to rolling stock manufacturing. “Indian Railways has already been operating track maintenance trains by STM for more than 10 years; they are maintained under life cycle contracts. Today, our company is focused on expanding its presence in the Indian market. We are planning to develop both industrial assembly and after-sale services in this country. Having proven our worth in this new status of a manufacturer, we will be qualified to expand our portfolio of orders and participate in big tenders,” Anton Zubikhin added.

It should be noted that last year, STM won the Indian Railways bids for supplying 19 semi knocked down kits of BRMs (Ballast Regulating Machines) and providing services of their subsequent maintenance and repair. Design engineering is currently in progress, and it takes into account the accumulated experience of Russian BRMs operation in India. Components manufacturing will begin in the first half-year and their export is scheduled for Q3 2021.

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