STM and Deutsche Bahn agree to jointly develop railway engineering technologies

27 Aug 2021
STM and Deutsche Bahn agree to jointly develop railway engineering technologies
At the International Railway Fair in the Area 1520 “PRO // Motion. Expo”, STM Center of Innovation Development (STM CID) and DB Systemtechnik (a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on enhancement of technical cooperation in railway research. The Memorandum was signed by Kirill Kolesnikov, First Deputy General Director of STM CID, and Sergey Zamyatin, Executive Director for International Sales at DB Systemtechnik. Signing of the Memorandum laid the foundations for mutually beneficial partnership between the companies to conduct joint testing of railway equipment, develop the testing procedure, collaborate with rolling stock manufacturers, prepare joint applications for international projects, as well as share experience and best practices.

“Closer cooperation with DB Systemtechnik will allow us to build a technological partnership with our German colleagues and not only transfer technologies, but also share experience and best practices. This, in turn, would considerably enhance STM developments and bring joint projects with our strategic partner – Russian Railways, JSC – to a new level,” – Kirill Kolesnikov, First Deputy General Director of STM CID, says. – “Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways are engaged in a number of joint projects and our cooperation with DB Systemtechnik, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, fully corresponds to Russian Railways approach to develop suppliers’ competencies. By signing this Memorandum, we take another step towards creating an atmosphere of trust with our main customer’s partners.”

The parties have agreed to undertake a number of cooperation activities to achieve the goals set out in the Memorandum. Among them, the companies experts will develop procedures to evaluate passenger comfort, test a number of European railway equipment and track elements on the 1520 track with respect to infrastructure systems – communications, automated train operation, etc., organize joint activities to introduce digital twin models for locomotives and rolling stock manufactured by Siemens and Bombardier for Deutsche Bahn. An important part of the agreement is the possibility to run a pilot project using a specialized diagnostic and comfort monitoring system for the Velaro and Desiro platforms. This diagnostics system was developed by STM CID.

A special emphasis in the Memorandum is placed on sharing professional experience between Russian and German companies. It is not only about holding joint seminars and webinars on general topics of the railway industry but also about sharing ideas and experience gained in some specific projects, including use of the Velaro and Desiro train platforms (with the option of later optimization of the rolling stock technological infrastructure). The document also provides for cooperation with several world rolling stock manufacturers and preparation of joint applications for open bidding procedures to introduce the CbM system manufactured by STM CID (Сondition-based monitoring – a system that allows the most efficient planning and maintenance of rolling stock) in various railway equipment.
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